A Photographer’s Wishlist (& Recommendations)

May 16, 2019
A Photographer’s Wishlist (& Recommendations)

Summertime Dreamin'

With SUMMER being well on its way here (you can show up any-day now! This Texas girl is DONE being cold!), I can't help but dream of warmer days and a bigger camera-bag. I've been quite busy doing some fun product photography and video shoots for clients over the last couple weeks; while also having the opportunity to shoot some mini-sessions for prom, graduation and families that are finally starting to come out of their holes after a long and hard winter.

As I sit here and research bigger and better cameras and lenses; I can't help but look lovingly at my Canon EOS 60D that I currently have, and felt obliged to add the story as to how it came into my possession into this week's blog, as well.

When I was in graduate school at Tarleton State University (Go Texans!) I woke up to an anonymous package at my doorstep one fine July evening. I opened it up and there lie something absolutely unexplainable. A Canon EOS 60D along with a brand new camera bag, a 70-200mm zoom lens and a 5-In-1 reflector. Out of breath and in tears is an UNDERSTATEMENT. Never in my life have I EVER been given a gift like this. NEVER. I was in tears trying to figure out why this was happening to me. What did I do to deserve such an amazing and out-of-the-blue gift?

I was early in my graduate school studies and really working to vamp up my photography portfolio, but was in desperate need of a new camera. Then out of nowhere POOF this camera arrives on my doorstep. After some serious FBI-level investigations alongside my best friend, we managed to track down my anonymous gift-giver and thank them for giving me such an incredible and fresh new start to the rest of my career.

That being said, I want to give my clients a bigger and better product. That's why I am aiming to one day own all of the items on this list below.

(and hopefully leave you, yeah YOU - the aspiring photographer, with some great recommendations, as well!)

SO on that note! Let's get to the list!

The Camera Body:

The Dream:

• Canon 6D Mark II

The Right Now:

• Canon EOS 60D (i love you but it is time to move on to bigger and better things)

The Why?

• I am REALLY wanting to get a full-frame camera! After reading reviews, this one seems to be the best fit for what I do.

The Lenses:

The Dream:

• 50 mm 1.4 Sigma - NEED this for great detailed shots.

• 35 mm 1.4 Sigma - Great for couples portraits. The perfect focal length.

• 16 - 35 mm 2.8 Canon - Great for wide landscape shots. Think ittyyyy bitty people in a vast landscape.

• 17 - 55mm f/2.8 IS USM Canon EF-S - Great overall lens for every day use. Wanting to upgrade my current lens to this (or something like this) here pretty soon!

The Right Now:

• Canon EF Telephoto Zoom Lens for Canon EF - 70mm-200mm - F/4.0 (LOVE for sports!)

• Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM Lens (My baby. GREAT at capturing high-quality candids from far away! Love this lens!)

• Canon EF-S Zoom Lens for Canon EF-S - 18mm-55mm - F/3.5-5.6 (decent everyday lens, but looking for something better)

The Why?

• You can have a GREAT camera body, but if you don't have the proper lens or knowledge behind the lens, then your photos won't turn out the way you envision them. My advice is for you to go out and rent a couple different lenses to see what you like best. Then search online for the best deals!

The Flashes:

The Dream:

Canon Speedlite 430EXIII

• YONGNUO Speedlite YN560IV

The Right Now:



The Extras:

What's In My Bag:

• Tripod (I actually need a new one of these!)

• 5-IN-1 Reflector Kit - Great bounce reflector!

• SD Cards

• Extra batteries

• Business cards


• Lens Cleaner Spray

• Micofiber Cleaning Cloth

• Rain Cover for your camera

And for you videographers...

I REALLY WANT A STEADICAM! Like real bad. I need to just break down and buy one after I upgrade my camera and a couple lenses.

Questions? Comments? Got a super-sweet joke for me? Let me know! You can reach me at kassie@northofeight.wpengine.com.

Thanks for reading!

~ Kassie Mullins

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me.'" ~ Erma Bombeck

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