Boost, Build & Brand | The 3 B’s to Why Your Website Should Have a Blog

July 19, 2021
Boost, Build & Brand | The 3 B’s to Why Your Website Should Have a Blog


You may have heard the saying “Content is King” but here at North of Eight, we have a different saying:

Content is EVERYTHING.

But what exactly does that mean? And most importantly, why does it even matter to you?

This digital world that we call home demands that business owners have an online presence that is optimized for search engines like Google or Bing. It’s hard to get around that in 2021. Both your current customers and potential customers are searching every day for the exact services and/or products that you offer - and if your website isn’t optimized to show up in search engines, you could be missing out on more customers and more revenue.

Blogs are an easy way to elevate your search engine rankings, establish authority not only with search engines but also with your customers, and humanize your business. Here are the 3 B’s for why your website should have a blog:


The big wigs at Google and Bing love it when websites have updated and relevant content. Maintaining a regularly scheduled blog that answers the questions people are searching for is exactly how you increase your online presence and boost traffic to your website. The more traffic your website gets, the higher your search rankings climb. It’s a win-win! Your customers get answers to their questions and you get better and more relevant hits to your website.


You are a business owner and therefore the ultimate product or service expert for your customers. Having a blog builds trust that you can answer frequently asked questions and help your customers when they need it most. Search engines want to show users exactly what they are looking for and when you build authority in your field through a blog, you become the website that they want users to go to. Not sure what to write about? Think about your ten most frequently asked questions and start from there. You have nearly a year’s worth of content under your belt just by doing what you do best - your business!


Having a blog humanizes your brand. It creates a conversation between THE business owner and customer that usually happens face to face. This type of marketing is great for those potential customers who might not be local or, like the rest of us, are just too busy to sometimes stop in. Your blog is their way of getting questions answered no matter where they are. It’s an invaluable tool in our digital world.

“But North of on Earth am I going to maintain a blog? I’m busy enough as it is! Ahhh!”
- Some Stressed Out Business Owner

Easy. We have a team of skilled writers that will work with you to build a content library on your website. Your service or product knowledge will be written professionally and optimized for your website so that you are front and center online for your customers. Contact us today to discuss adding a blog to your website and go from “king” to “everything!”

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