But First – Abandon Your Cart

February 14, 2020
But First – Abandon Your Cart

I'm not 100% sure I should be writing this blog but here we go. As a marketer, I know some handy-dandy tips and tricks when it comes to saving money while shopping online. This blog is for both the consumer and the small business owner, because if you're not already doing this - well, you should be.

The Shopper Will Appreciate This

Ready for some insider knowledge about shopping online? Let's say, hypothetically, you were browsing the web when you came across the p e r f e c t pair of muck boots that would be exactly what you needed to combat this month's frigid cold weather, BUT you really don't want to pay full price because of bills, groceries, and whatnot. You also don't want to wait for their next sale because it is currently -15 outside and your feet are cold.

So what do you do? You add those pup-warmers to your cart, you sit and ponder on whether or not you can afford to cut back on groceries for the month in order to fit them into your budget, and then you decide that you are a fiscally responsible adult and that you will just wear an extra pair of socks so you quickly exit out of the site (abandoning your cart).

About 45 minutes later you receive an email titled, "Did you forget about me?", "I'm having abandonment issues…", or "Your feet must be freezing, give them the love they deserve!" Low and behold you've now experienced the art of Abandoning Your Cart. Within this email, you'll typically find some kind of offer with a call for you to return to your cart - whether it be a gentle reminder that you didn't complete your purchase or something more extreme like free shipping/a percentage off your purchase. This was just what you needed to make the decision to buy because your feet really are cold (even with the extra socks), and that discount means that you'll still be able to get name brand cereal the next time you go grocery shopping! YAY!

This Part is For the Business Owner

Now if you're a business owner... I'm truly sorry that I spilled the beans about this marketing "secret", but I think it is only fair for folks to know that this is an option if they want to keep their feet warm while putting food on the table. Have no fear! I've included some tips and tricks for you, as well (as a way of apologizing for spilling the beans). Did you know that you can recover up to 63% of your lost sales when you retarget customers with Abandon Your Cart emails? So, if you're not currently implementing this strategy, you should be. If you are, then here are some additional tricks to improve upon what you're already doing.

Ways to Make Your "Abandon Your Cart" Emails Shine:

Determine WHY customers are abandoning their carts in the first place.

  • Are they struggling to find a way to justify paying for the product? Did they get distracted? Did their browser suddenly close and then they simply forgot to come back and complete their purchase?
  • Once you start to determine the different reasons that they could be objecting, you can start to improve on the way you bring them back. There are always going to be those folks that were never going to buy, but they're not really your target audience anyway, so we're going to focus on the ones who are actually interested in the goods.

Step 1)

Create a clever subject-line that shows your brand's personality while enticing the shopper to give you another chance. Make it easy to understand, friendly and fun!

Step 2)

Give a clear call-to-action with great copy and images! What exactly is it that you want your customers to do? Make sure to shove it right in their faces! Avoid harsher words as you want to use this as a gentle nudge to bring your customers back to their cart without being too sale-sy. They're already thinking about your product, so you're in charge of making it be the only thing they can think about until they complete their purchase.

Step 3)

Put a picture of those super warm muck boots right at the top of the email so they know exactly what it is that they're missing. Give suggestions for items that are similar to the product they were interested in that may be at a different price point.

Step 4)

Use reviews as a way to make folks feel like they can't go on another day without said product. People are listening to people and if they see others with it, they'll want it more. Then find creative ways to address their pain points. You're here to provide them with the solution they've been looking for.

Step 5)

Save coupons for the end. This is where it gets tricky... You don't want to hit them with a "15% off" email right off the bat because you could potentially do a couple of things:

  • You devalue your product/service by being quick to discount it
  • You run the chance of missing the person that just needed a subtle reminder that they needed your product/service

If they still aren't buying after that first reminder; the next step is to come up with your discounted offer that emphasizes the sense of urgency for the shopper to complete the purchase within a certain timeframe.

Congratulations, you now have a great Abandon Your Cart email!

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