Changes Coming to iOS14 & Facebook Ads

April 23, 2021
Changes Coming to iOS14 & Facebook Ads


So Apple has some BIG news to share (that’s going to affect your Facebook Ads)… They recently announced that there will be major changes coming to iOS 14 that will impact how we receive and process events from tools like the Facebook SDK and the Facebook pixel… and these changes are set to be released the week of April 26th. So what does that mean for you?

It means you’ve gotta get prepared (if you’re not already). And we apologize for sharing this with you only a few days before it actually takes place but here we are trying to get this info out into the world just to try to save you a headache when you try to start running ads next month.

These changes are going to affect the way you track how your customers spend their time online. It is a major win for the consumer; HOWEVER, it is going to make advertising a little trickier of a nut to crack.

Apple’s requirements will limit the number of web and app events that you can report on. As a result of Apple’s requirements, Facebook has made changes to the way web and app events are set up and processed.

So here’s what you’ve gotta do.

STEP 1: Verify your business domain through your Facebook Business Manager account.

Don’t have a Business Manager account setup? Learn more about that HERE. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help with this. It can be kind of a beast but it is 100% necessary. From there, you will be able to control your Ad Account and have access to a whole new world of resources to help keep you informed. Your Business Manager account is SEPARATE from being considered simply an Admin on your Business Page.

Due to Apple's iOS 14 changes, Facebook will be using Aggregated Event Measurement. With Aggregated Event Measurement, each ad must include the domain where you intend for conversions to happen. To ensure that Facebook can continue measuring conversions on your website once Apple releases iOS 14, you'll need to select a domain in each ad's Tracking section. Learn More

Domain Verification - Through Business Manager:

Domain Verification - To send to your Web Developer:

STEP 2: Get Educated

In 2018, Facebook came up with this concept called the ‘SKAdNetwork’ API with the hope of being able to increase users' privacy who also download mobile apps.

Again, big win for consumers but it also changed the way we are going to be able to collect data in the future through delayed events and campaign management. Not only that, Facebook has now established the PCM (Private Click Measurement) protocol for web attribution which is limiting the amount of data that businesses can collect from a user.

Facebook isn’t happy with Apple and they are trying to do everything they can to make this a smooth transition. Here are some of the key points I found when doing some research on the updates: (straight from Facebook)

Specifically, these changes will limit your ability to:

  • Effectively deliver ads to people based on their engagement with your business
  • Measure and report on conversions from certain customers
  • Ensure your ads are delivered to the most relevant audiences at the right frequency
  • Accurately attribute app installs to people using iOS 14 and later
  • Predict and optimize cost per action over time and efficiently allocate budgets

Apple’s policy will make it much harder for small businesses to reach their target audience, which will limit their growth and their ability to compete with big companies.

You can learn more about what Facebook is doing to protect your business below.


Video covering Key Changes for iOS 14:

Key Concepts for iOS 14 Impacts to Facebook Business Tools:

Aggregated Event Measurement

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if this makes you want to pull all of your hair out. I know that’s how we feel, too!

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