How to Have the Best Relationship with your Marketing Agency

February 11, 2022
How to Have the Best Relationship with your Marketing Agency


Hey there QT. We wrote a poem just for you:

Roses are red, violets are blue, let’s avoid couples therapy with a tip or two.

Here at North of Eight, we love our clients. Like, split the last cheese curd, matching flannel, let the other one win the shotgun beer contest kind of love.

However, as all relationships go, it takes two to tango. In order to have the best relationship with the folks we call clients (but let’s be real, you are more like family), we gathered a few tips to keep this relationship sweet, not sour.

1 - Communication

With all of the ways to communicate nowadays, you would think there wouldn’t be any issues but as everyone knows, emojis, overused exclamation points and the occasional “k” can downright confuse a person. Regularly scheduled check-ins with an already prepared list of what you are looking for helps keep all of our little North of Eight ducks in a row so that we can give you a timely, well-executed project. And of course, if there are any issues or changes, we are happy to help - ya just gotta tell us!

2 - Expectations

We would like to imagine ourselves as mind readers…sometimes. But we’re not. However, we really do want to make you happy. Before we even get started on your project, there’s always a kick off meeting. And we can guarantee you that either Emily or Kassie are doing some sort of high kick to celebrate. Consider this like an awkward first date. We will ask you lots of questions to try to get to know you and your project better. It’s in this meeting where we would love to know what your expectations are for us and we can also give you a better idea of timelines and outcomes.

3 - Goals

A good business owner loves a good goal. So does a good marketer. Let’s talk about your goals so that we can clearly steer your projects in the right direction. Looking to attract more customers? Do you see yourself eventually going e-commerce? Maybe you want to attract a different set of customers or expand your locations. Either way, we can work together to achieve your goals with custom blog posts, targeted digital marketing, or personalized social media marketing.

With these three tips, our hope is that we can take this relationship to the next level and be the best marketing agency for you and your business. So much so that when you karaoke on a

Friday night to “I Will Always Love You”, you’re thinking about North of Eight Design & Marketing.


Emily & Kassie

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