Improving Your Facebook Organic Reach

December 21, 2020
Improving Your Facebook Organic Reach


2021 is upon us (thank goodness) but with each new year comes some big, BIG changes… Maybe you’ve promised yourself that you would eat better, travel more, or some other deep philosophical resolution that involves YOU changing in some type of way. One change that I can promise will happen (and is currently happening), whether we like it or not, is the Facebook algorithm.

Facebook changes its mind much like myself when asked, “Where do you want to eat?” when we take a trip into the big city.

The Facebook algorithm was created to improve the user experience by showing users exactly what they want to see right when they want to see it. Throughout the years, it has evolved into this extremely powerful machine that sorts through millions of pieces of content to show you the posts it has deemed ‘most engaging’ for each individual user. It is a learning artificial intelligence and we’re well on our way to the whole “machines taking over the world” thing.

The algorithm is based on the user’s clicks, likes, preferences, and interactions on the platform and sometimes even off of the platform (that’s why Facebook seems to know you’re every thought). And since there are more than 30 billion pieces of content published every single month on Facebook - it is no surprise that the content we see is uniquely tailored to us based on all of these factors combined.

Does that mean your small business can’t have an impactful social media presence if you’re not a data scientist? Absolutely not. But it is your responsibility to learn how to adapt to the biggest changes and work with the algorithm instead of against it.

Organic Posts = the posts you create on your page that aren’t boosted or used as an ad. Unpaid posts.

Facebook is a business, after all, so it only makes sense that they are doing whatever they can to make money - even if that means stepping away from the things that originally brought us to the platform. The algorithm for organic reach has continued to decline over the last couple of years; however, 2021 brings this down to a dismal 1.5% of views. That means less than 1.5% of your followers are even seeing your content in the first place. Your clever, creative content that you spent hours working on. So how do you go about maximizing your potential reach? We’ve listed a few of the top ways to show up on your customers’ feeds.

[[We will be discussing ways to maximize your digital advertising strategies in the near future, but wanted to start by focusing on what you can do for FREE.]]

1. Video is QUEEN

Since the beginning of 2020, video content has continued to receive exponentially more views and engagement than any other type of content. This is especially true for live content. Posts that spark genuine interest and conversations tend to perform better than those that don’t so be sure to reply or engage with every comment you get on your videos and your other types of posts. Surprisingly, longer videos are performing better than shorter videos which is something that could change over the next few years; but right now the ideal video length is 3 minutes long. If you are posting a video with audible voices, be sure to include captions. Last but not least, videos that are published directly to the Facebook platform are going to perform much better than sharing links to your videos from outside sources like Youtube.

2. Use Links Sparingly

Speaking of sharing links, Facebook is cracking down on external links in organic posts because they are doing everything they can to keep users from exiting their platform. Still use them - but be sure to do so sparingly. Sharing links to your website from Facebook is a great way to acquire more site traffic, but occasionally check in with your Insights to see how it is affecting your reach. When you do include a link, be sure it takes the customers exactly where they are looking to go. Highlighting a candy bar? Send them straight to that product page where they can learn more about it and easily hit “Add to cart”.

3. Get familiar with your Facebook Insights

Facebook has done a great job of putting together your Page Insights so you can see just how your posts are performing. Your Insights will show you who you are reaching and when are the best times to reach them. It will break down your audience’s demographics into many different categories - from age, gender, interests, etc… Knowing who your audience is and when the best times to post will help you make better posts that are more targeted toward the right people.

4. Post Consistently

**but don’t spam your followers

We suggest posting at least once a day if you can; however, if you are a smaller business you could definitely get away with it every other day. Posting consistently will help you rank better in Facebook’s eyes and it will give your page visitors a good idea of what your business is like and if it is relevant or not.

5. Create a Facebook Group

Groups are performing better and better which is why so many folks are starting to jump on the bandwagon. I’m sure you are in at least one… or two… or maybe 27 different groups - how did you join so many?! One thing I’ve noticed is that if somebody posts into a group that I am considered ‘Active’ in, those posts are always pushed to me as a notification. Not only that, I swear I see more Group posts in my Newsfeed than I do most other posts. Why? Because Facebook is trying to transform the platform back into a community again - it wants to bring people together. Groups are a great way to accomplish that mission. Just be warned, they can take up quite a bit of your time to get started but once it gets going and you’ve got the right Moderators in place, they can produce a great return.

6. Like/Comment/Share Posts

We love these. You love these. Facebook hates these. Why? Because it means that we are cheating the system! We’ve been told that Facebook is going to start to crack down on these types of posts because they would rather you pay to receive the engagement rates these posts tend to have. However, until that day happens keep on keepin’ on. These posts have proven to be a great way to drive traffic to your page and website. The only tips we have on these is to be sure the prize is something that is relevant to your company. A prize that attracts the wrong type of people is just a waste of money (unless you’re solely looking for brand recognition). Give away with intent and choose your objectives carefully! Do you want page likes or post 'Likes'? How many comments? Do they have to tag anybody? Better hit that 'Share' button!

7. Focus on your Content Copy

Good copy can make or break your post. Your posts don’t have to be a full-length novel; they should be clear, concise, and consistent. You want to make dang sure that you have a consistent brand voice throughout everything you do. Your message needs to be short and sweet - unless it calls for long-form. Don’t be afraid to check out what your competitors are doing, but at the same time find a way to make your content unique so it will stand out above the rest.

8. Likes Are On The Way Out

Facebook and Instagram have been experimenting with taking away visual “Likes” on posts. The OP (original poster) can see the number of likes they receive; however, other users will not be able to see how many likes other people get on posts. If/when this happens, it will drastically change the way social media influencers track their reporting metrics and it could completely alter the way the algorithm displays content. The main reason for this change is a good one - it is to help mitigate the effects of social media on their users’ mental health. The number of “Likes” a user receives has been linked to directly affecting a young user’s confidence and social skills. That being said, don’t focus primarily on receiving “Likes” - be sure to create content that is relevant and engaging.

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