Marketing 101 – Anytime, Anywhere & w/ One Goal

September 20, 2019
Marketing 101 – Anytime, Anywhere & w/ One Goal


As I sit here, needle in arm at the infusion center, fighting with technology because it keeps crashing on me - I decided that instead of wallowing in my sorrows and getting too terribly frustrated, I would write up a quick blog post instead.

You may know somebody in marketing - heck, you may be in the field yourself! One thing I love about this career, and my super-cool job in particular, is that I can do it anywhere and anytime [as long as technology cooperates, that is]. Regardless of how hard we try - there are some days where we have to do work outside of the office. We're learning that having an office environment is absolutely incredible because it fosters an insanely creative atmosphere where we have the opportunity to collaborate together and create some of our best pieces of work, but that's not to say that something beautiful and ingenious can't be created from the couch in our PJs on those days when we just aren't feeling too terribly hot.


One thing I have been struggling with lately is finding value in my work and knowing that what I am doing is truly making a difference. We may not be the "rescue your cat from a tree" type of business, but I truly believe that we are making a difference in the lives of our clients. We're not out here just trying to make a dollar - we're trying our best to help businesses thrive. It is such a fun and unique opportunity because we get to learn about other people's livelihoods while cultivating relationships with each of them as they open up about their businesses. We meet people with passions burning so strongly that it begins to rub off on us and then we catch ourselves getting pumped up to tackle their next project.

We had the opportunity to do something really cool a couple weeks ago. A client approached us interested in having his site redesigned. We gladly took on the project but felt that we could do more for him, so we gathered our resources and put together our first-ever focus group! We did this to provide him with valuable feedback on his products and his brand so that we could help him market his passion better. The cool part is that we didn't have to do this. We didn't have to give up our precious Monday night to go feed a bunch of guys pizza and ask for their opinions. We could've easily just taken his money and made him a kick-butt site without all the extra work - but that's not what we are about. We want our clients to be successful and we want to see their passions ignite. It is something that makes me proud to be in this field, even though I'm not rescuing kitties on the daily.


We here at North of Eight are currently working on establishing a Mission Statement and our Core Values. This is something that we find incredibly important for all businesses regardless of their size. We never want to falter from our mission of helping people. We want our business to revolve around creating relationships, promoting the good things of this world and helping others to be successful. As we continue to strive for these things, I just wanted to write about the good things that are going on right now to combat the struggles that we're (and maybe you're) currently facing. In days of darkness I choose joy and hope to radiate light and that's what I hope you do, too. I hope that we can help you chase after your dreams whether you're a startup company looking to create a brand or a well-established business looking to revive your marketing strategies.

Give us a call and let us help take some of the weight off your shoulders so you can get back to doing what you do best - running your business. Click HERE to check out some of our recent projects!

Now fingers crossed technology starts to work with me again here shortly..!

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