Social Media Trends: September 2024

September 19, 2024
Social Media Trends: September 2024

Social Media Trends: September 2024

Although summer is coming to an end, social media continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Platforms are constantly updating features, and user behaviors are shifting in response. Here’s a look at the current trends in social media for this month and predictions for the rest of the year.

Current Trends

Short-Form Video Content

Short-form video content, pioneered by TikTok and emulated by other platforms like Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts, remains king. Studies show that short-form video engagement is skyrocketing. For instance, a recent study revealed that 63% of Gen Z users prefer to get their news via short-form video platforms. This trend is expected to continue throughout 2024, with brands and creators increasingly focusing on crafting compelling narratives in under a minute.

  • TikTok has over 1.5 billion active users.
  • Instagram Reels has increased engagement by 22% compared to the posts.
  • YouTube Shorts has over 2 billion monthly views.

Livestream Shopping 

Livestream shopping, where brands and influencers host live sales events, is experiencing a surge in popularity. Data suggests that livestream shopping sales are expected to reach $580 billion globally by 2024. The interactive nature of livestreams fosters a sense of community and allows viewers to ask questions in real-time, creating a more engaging shopping experience.  Expect to see more platforms integrate livestream shopping features and creators leveraging this trend to connect with audiences and drive sales.

  • Instagram Shopping has seen a 30% increase in usage.
  • TikTok's #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt has over 20 billion views.
  • Facebook Shops are utilized by over 300 million users monthly.

The Rise of Micro-Influencers

While mega-influencers with millions of followers still hold sway, micro-influencers with smaller, more engaged communities are gaining traction. Studies indicate that consumers trust recommendations from micro-influencers more than celebrities. Brands are recognizing the value of partnering with micro-influencers who can target niche audiences and generate higher engagement rates. Look for micro-influencers to continue to grow their influence across social media platforms.

User-Generated Content

Consumers crave authenticity on social media.  Highly polished content is giving way to real, relatable posts. Platforms are introducing features that encourage user-generated content (UGC). For example, Instagram's "Collabs" feature allows creators to co-create content, fostering a sense of community and encouraging user participation. This trend is expected to continue as users seek genuine connections and relatable content.

  • 85% of users find UGC more influential than brand content.
  • UGC posts receive 4 times higher click-through rates.
  • 70% of consumers will consider a brand based on UGC.

Predicted Trends for Remainder of 2024

Increased Focus on Privacy and Security

Privacy and security concerns are rising. Users are becoming more aware of their data and how it is used. Platforms are expected to introduce stricter privacy controls and transparency measures.

Growth of Niche Social Networks

Niche social networks catering to specific interests are predicted to grow. These platforms offer more tailored content and communities, providing users with a more personalized experience.

Continued Rise of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing will continue to thrive. Brands are likely to invest more in micro-influencers who have highly engaged audiences. Authenticity will be key, with influencers expected to maintain genuine connections with their followers.

  • 75% of marketers plan to dedicate their budget to influencer marketing.
  • Micro-influencers have engagement rates of around 7%.

AR, AI, and the Evolving Platform Landscape

Looking ahead, Augmented Reality (AR) is poised to play a bigger role in social media.  Imagine trying on clothes virtually or seeing how furniture would look in your home.  AR has the potential to revolutionize social media experiences.  Artificial intelligence (AI) will also continue to influence social media.  Expect to see AI-powered chatbots providing customer service and algorithms curating content tailored to individual users.

The social media landscape itself is constantly evolving.  With the potential ban of TikTok in the US looming, users and brands may migrate to other platforms.  This could lead to the rise of new social media players or the resurgence of existing ones.

In Conclusion

Social media in 2024 is a dynamic space with a focus on short-form video, livestream shopping, authenticity, and user-generated content. Looking ahead, privacy concerns, niche networks, influencer marketing, social audio, and AI advancements will shape the future of social media. Staying updated with these trends can help users and businesses navigate the ever-changing social media environment effectively.

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