Soo What Do You Do..?

Soo What Do You Do..?


Everyone else: "Soo what exactly do you do for a living..?"

Hi y'all!

Welcome to our N8 blog! As our agency continues to grow, we decided that we wanted to establish a place (via the Interwebz) where you guys can come and join us along every step of this incredible journey.

We thought a weekly blog would be the perfect place to inform, educate and hopefully answer any/all of those brain-shaking marketing questions that you may have regarding your business. We also want it to serve as an opportunity to essentially do life together, week-to-week.

That being said, I wanted to start off by addressing a question that I hear on the regular:

                                                                                                                                                                             "Soo what do you do for a living..?"

THIS. I get asked this question CONSTANTLY, and funny thing is that there is no one-word answer to just what I do on a daily basis. My title is Chief Content Creator. My job responsibilities? I create and I help people. Specifically small- to medium-sized businesses. Let's break that down:

Social Media Management: This is HUGE. I manage multiple client's social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, you name it & I'll manage it). You're busy. We get it. That's why we offer this service so that you can take time to efficiently run your business while trusting that we've got your back posting valuable and actionable content to your pages. We plan ahead to build your social presence by doing our research so that we can provide you with the best possible post that will drive engagement and get people in your doors.

Photography & Videography: This can be anything from product photography, to employee headshots, to monthly Vlogs! Original and quality content is important. While stock images and videos provide ease, it is much more enticing to have your own content to share, print and create with. THIS is the way to build your brand's image. The beauty of this service? One photoshoot can go a long way. We build you a portfolio of images, video clips, etc., and then you can turn around and use them for whatever your heart desires (we can help you figure that part out, too).  

Web & Graphic Design: Again, content is IMPORTANT. I can't stress this enough. We offer quality graphic design services like web & logo design, custom business cards, digital and print advertising, even the occasional 100-page ebook! You have a vision that you want to bring to life but aren't quite sure how to do it? That's where we come in. We have the tools and software to make your aspirations a reality. We can also help you craft content for your website, as well.

Marketing Planning: "Marketing without strategy is the noise before failure." - John Jantsch. We believe that success should be measurable against the goals you set for yourself and your business. How do we get there? We plan. Developing a strategic marketing plan, specifically tailored to your industry and your small business, is the key to seeing growth within your business. This industry is constantly changing and marketing can be intimidating. That's what we're here for. N8 uses a data-driven approach to work with our clients to reach clients in the most effective means possible. Our arsenal of media contacts and knowledge leverages the very latest in industry trends against the personal relationships we've made with experts across these industries. Our marketing plans are REALISTIC. We craft marketing plans with capacity in mind - both dollar-wise and in a human-capital sense.

So there you have it. That's what I do. I'm here to make sure you're getting the best bang for your buck when you're spending those oh-so-valuable marketing dollars. I want to see your business succeed and grow while also building meaningful relationships with business-owners in the area. That's my passion. I hope this helps!

Questions? Comments? Got a super-sweet joke for me? Let me know! You can reach me at

Thanks for reading!

~ Kassie Mullins

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me.'" ~ Erma Bombeck

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